Bobby Jindal is a once in a generation opportunity to elect a president who has dedicated his entire life to mediocrity.
Every election cycle we are bombarded with politicians promising to fix all our problems, build bridges, and returns us to greatness. These over the top promises have become so ubiquitous that we don’t even care when the promises are broken. Frankly, here at Isaac’s Garage of Mediocrity, we are sick of it. That is why we are honored to announce our endorsement of Bobby Jindal for President of the United States of America.
Bobby Jindal is a once in a generation opportunity to elect a president who has dedicated his entire life to mediocrity. When Mr. Jindal was elected governor of Louisiana, Louisiana was near the bottom of the charts for job growth, unemployment, and poverty. And after nearly eight years in office guess what, Louisiana is still the bottom dweller it always has been.
Bobby Jindal’s steadfast dedication to complacency and the status quo makes him the only candidate that we can in good conscience endorse for President of the United States.
America, it’s time to put your dreams and ambitions on the back burner and join us in supporting this great cause. But if things come up and you don’t get around to voting we understand.
The Board of Presidential Affairs at Isaac’s Garage of Mediocrity